Saturday, October 8, 2011

...and some final reviews.

Review of the last show back in August with the Men
"...Birth kind of stole the show by reigning in their sound and then also destroying all of their equipment on stage in a final, defining act for their band."

from loudlooppress:
Birth sound exactly like a loud band from Chicago, and I mean that as the highest form of complement–this trio would be right at home on a bill with Shellac or Jesus Lizard. However, come next week, Birth will be playing even fewer shows than either of the other two aforementioned bands. After this show on Friday, Birth pack it in and their singer/bassist moves to LA for the most LA of reasons (a PhD in Sociology), and then you’ll have missed your chance to have your brain rocked to sufficient levels. So make your way to Water Works and watch the triumphant death of a band that you should have been loving all along, and in five or ten years when all the new post-hardcore bands cite Birth as their number one influence, you can say you were there. (Andy Kondrat).

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Final Show + Tour Leftovers

Last show:
August 12th @ Waterworks in Chicago - The Men, Raw Nerve, Birth, + more

We also have about 10 "Double Reggae" Tour cassette tapes leftover from tour.  They'll be available at this show, Permanent Records (Chicago), and Mind Cure Records (Pittsburgh).  In the meantime, you can dig on this track from the tape:
 Birth - Sex Hooker (No Credit) by 100yrOldEgg

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Double Reggae Tour
June 30th - Madison, WI - Madison Project Lodge w/ White Suns
July 1st - St. Louis, MO -  Apop Records  - w/Shaved Women,Autonomy
July 2nd - Carbondale, IL - w/ Shaved Women
July 3rd - Columbus, OH - Bat Chapters
July 4th - Cleveland - Now Thats Class
July 5th - Pittsburgh, PA -  Gooski's w/ Microwaves & Free Clinic

5 songs recorded earlier this month at Reuben's Palace featuring blistering guitar shredding by guest musician Todd Rittman of Dead Rider & U.S. Maple and some percussion from James Lechocki of Great Society Mind Destroyers.  It's limited to 40, so be sure to pick one up at a show near you.  They look like this

Saturday, June 25, 2011

One of the Best things in Chicago apparently.

True to form in a world in which the commodity form has colonized all of lived human experience, the Chicago Reader has dubbed Birth and our friends Den as the two bands in the city that have the "best band-on-band synergy".  While we typically leave the biz speak terms such as "synergy" and "co-branding" to the jobbers pimping their wares to the horny and strung-out, we here at Birth/Den Inc, LLC are thrilled to have received a nod from the Reader.  Long live the free market or whatever.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

June Shows

We haven't played a show in Chicago since March and haven't played since mid-April on account of our drummer Ian being on a super sweet tour opening for Kawabata Makoto & Pikacyu.  Now that he's back, we'll be playing a lot this Summer until our final two shows in mid-August.  That's right, the death of Birth is nigh as Josh has finally saved up enough to become a full time latrine examiner and Michael is moving out west to pursue a doctorate in bullshit.  So as Birth says its final fuck you to Chicago it's finally safe to return to the usual limp-dick garage rock, early aughties indie leftovers, people from fucking Iowa or Nebraska, and mall-level psychedelia in the Second City.

Local Shows in Chicago
June 7th Mortville w/Harco,Geffika
June 22nd Waterworks w/Milk Music,Population, Socially Retarded
June 29th  Panchos w/White Suns, Lechugillas 

Monday, April 25, 2011

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Pretty removed from Chicago

Built On a Weak Spot Review of the Birth LP
"I know often times Chicago casts a bit of a generalization of what the music is going to sound like, but I will stop you right there and let it be known that Birth are pretty far removed from most of that. This is a simplistic bash of noise-rock that has far more to do with bands like BrainbombsThe New Flesh, etc. A song like “Mineral Rights” even kind of resembles the Melvins to some degree. Filthy, bluesy, and a bit sludgy…the record mixes it up fairly nicely while being played in a loose punk smashed to shit sort of way. It’s backed up convincingly by vocals that hop back and forth between a strung out drug addled howl to indecipherable short yelps."

Rustbelt Weekend Notes

1) "If you can get laid while wearing cargo shorts, you've got mad game"
2) Sometimes you have to flood the engine to start
3) If a yinzer in Pittsburgh talks to you about the drum talents of Bill Bruford, he might like your band.
4) Sros Lords
5) Why is there not a Spak Bros equivalent in Chicago?
6) Birth does not fit on a black metal show

Though previously opposed to skull tshirts...

Art by Ilth, Layout & Text by Ian Piirtola
Available for $12ppd in S, M, L, XL, & XXL.  Send payment and your address
via Paypal to m s i c i l i a n o  (at) gmail dot com

Friday, March 25, 2011

April Shows

April 1st - Chicago @ the Mutiny w/ The Fucking Party, D'artagnan, & DEN

April 14th - Milwaukee, WI @ BorgWard
April 15th - Hamtramck, MI @ The Painted Lady
April 16th - Pittsburgh, PA @ Helter Shelter w/ Slices

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Leading David Yow Impersonator Decries Noise Rock Resurgence

Funny, I always thought we were more of a shitty Pissed Jeans with a singer doing a breathier version of Al Johnson's stutter...
Yellow Green Red Review

Saturday, February 19, 2011


March 11th - Empty Bottle w/ Human Eye and Drugs Dragons
March 12th - Some place on North Ave near the Handlebar

Monday, January 31, 2011

February Shows

We are playing two shows in February:

February 4th @ Lucky Gator Loft, 3900-ish W. Grand, Chicago, IL
Red Denizen

February 18th @ Empathy Lodge, 1800 S. Peoria Unit #3, Chicago, IL - $5
Staring Problems

Small mention of this show in the Chicago Reader where our guitar player Josh engages in a little position-taking.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Twelve Inch

Our debut 12" is available for purchase from Deadbeat Records.

Birth - 12" Cover
Deadbeat says this about the record:
"Devastatingly punishing debut here from Chicago dirtbags BIRTH!  Bathed in the same filth as Brainbombs, Drunks With Guns, Flipper and Big Black; BIRTH take cro-magnon riffs and shred 'em to bits as the sky collapses around 'em and they're buried in a pile of smoldering barbed wire. Think heavy, sludgey as fuck, proto punk that sounds like the Electric Eeels covering the Stooges using Sabbath's gear if it were stolen from a scrap yard and made out of knives. Brutally harsh landscapes where beating the shit out of your instruments is therapy and masochism is fun.  Ex Brain Handle.  Artwork by Ilth (Daily Void, Functional Blackouts)."

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

February 4th @ Lucky Gator Loft, Chicago, IL

We're playing this show.  More info soon.

Winter 2011 Tape

Tape being sold at a few shows or you can download it here.  First minute is called "Do you Know Weird Owl?".  Totally. Followed by "Mineral Rights" from a forthcoming 12", "Digital Buddz", "Emerging Manhood (extended version)", and "Scotch Tape (dub)"
Birth - Winter2011Tape by 100yrOldEgg

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Smoke up.

Birth - the button