Monday, January 31, 2011

February Shows

We are playing two shows in February:

February 4th @ Lucky Gator Loft, 3900-ish W. Grand, Chicago, IL
Red Denizen

February 18th @ Empathy Lodge, 1800 S. Peoria Unit #3, Chicago, IL - $5
Staring Problems

Small mention of this show in the Chicago Reader where our guitar player Josh engages in a little position-taking.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Twelve Inch

Our debut 12" is available for purchase from Deadbeat Records.

Birth - 12" Cover
Deadbeat says this about the record:
"Devastatingly punishing debut here from Chicago dirtbags BIRTH!  Bathed in the same filth as Brainbombs, Drunks With Guns, Flipper and Big Black; BIRTH take cro-magnon riffs and shred 'em to bits as the sky collapses around 'em and they're buried in a pile of smoldering barbed wire. Think heavy, sludgey as fuck, proto punk that sounds like the Electric Eeels covering the Stooges using Sabbath's gear if it were stolen from a scrap yard and made out of knives. Brutally harsh landscapes where beating the shit out of your instruments is therapy and masochism is fun.  Ex Brain Handle.  Artwork by Ilth (Daily Void, Functional Blackouts)."

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

February 4th @ Lucky Gator Loft, Chicago, IL

We're playing this show.  More info soon.

Winter 2011 Tape

Tape being sold at a few shows or you can download it here.  First minute is called "Do you Know Weird Owl?".  Totally. Followed by "Mineral Rights" from a forthcoming 12", "Digital Buddz", "Emerging Manhood (extended version)", and "Scotch Tape (dub)"
Birth - Winter2011Tape by 100yrOldEgg

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Smoke up.

Birth - the button